Fluid Truck Loading and Unloading Conveyor Maintenance 101: Tips and Tricks


Fluid truck loading and unloading conveyors are essential equipment for many industries, such as e-commerce, distribution, manufacturing, and logistics. They can help you load and unload your goods from trucks quickly, safely, and efficiently. However, like any other machinery, they also require proper maintenance to ensure optimal performance.  

Below are just a few general maintenance tips that you can follow to keep your conveyor solutions in good shape. 

Check the Condition of the Components 

One of the most important steps in maintaining your fluid truck loading and unloading conveyor is to check whether all the components are in good condition. This includes the belts, rollers, motors, sensors, and other parts that make up the conveyor system. You should inspect these components regularly and look for any signs of damage, wear, or malfunction.  

For example, you should check if the belts are aligned, tensioned, and free of cracks or tears; if the rollers are smooth and not jammed or broken; if the chains are lubricated and not loose or stretched; if the motors are running smoothly and not overheating or making strange noises; and if the sensors are working properly and not giving false signals. If you find any damaged components, you should replace or repair them as soon as possible to avoid further problems. 

Clean the Dust and Debris 

Another maintenance tip for your conveyor is to clean the dust and debris that may accumulate over time. Dust and debris can affect the normal operation of the conveyor by causing friction, blockage, or corrosion. It can also become a fire hazard or a health risk. Therefore, you should clean your conveyor regularly using a brush, cloth, or vacuum. You should also use a damp cloth or a mild detergent to wipe off any stains or spills on the conveyor. However, you should avoid using water or any harsh chemicals that may damage the conveyor or its components. 

Lubricate the Moving Parts 

A third maintenance tip for your conveyor is to lubricate the moving parts of the conveyor to reduce friction and wear. Friction and wear can cause your conveyor to run slower, louder, or less efficiently. It can also shorten the lifespan of your conveyor or its components. You should lubricate the moving parts of your conveyor regularly using the appropriate lubricant for your conveyor type and model. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much and how often to apply the lubricant. 

Inspect the Electrical System 

A fourth tip is to inspect the electrical system of the conveyor to ensure that it is working properly. The electrical system includes the power supply, wires, switches, controllers, and other components that provide electricity to the conveyor. You should inspect these components regularly and look for any signs of damage, wear, or malfunction.  

For example, you should check if the power supply is stable and sufficient; if the wires are insulated and not exposed or frayed; if the switches are functioning and not stuck or broken; if the controllers are calibrated and not giving false signals; and if there are any loose connections or short circuits. If you find any electrical problems, you should fix them as soon as possible to avoid further problems. 

Consult the Manufacturer or Supplier 

Lastly, consult the manufacturer or supplier of your conveyor for more specific maintenance instructions and recommendations. They know your conveyor best and can provide you with more detailed information on how to maintain your conveyor accordingly. They can also provide you with professional support services such as custom engineering, design, installation, troubleshooting, repair, replacement parts, training, etc. 

We hope these maintenance tips help you keep your fluid truck loading and unloading conveyors in good shape. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at FMH Conveyors.