Distribution Centres

Distribution Centre Conveyor Systems

Drawing upon decades of experience, FMH Conveyors will design a system for your unique situation. Whether you are a wholesale business-to-business distributor or a general merchandise distributor, we understand that you have your own supply chain challenges. Companies are continually searching for creative solutions to reduce costs, raise the bar on customer service, manage risk and increase operating efficiencies. Our distribution conveyor solutions are your industry’s answer.

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Increased Efficiency in Shipping and Receiving

Moving and sorting thousands of cartons, totes and pallets to the right place — quickly and accurately — requires specialised conveyor systems. FMH Conveyors offers a wide range of gravity and powered, rigid and flexible, roller and skate wheel models, and telescopic conveyors to meet your specific material handling needs.

Our conveyors help you move packages large and small more efficiently by:

  • Maintaining the desired speed
  • Offering high load capacity
  • Maximising storage space
  • Facilitating high-speed transfers
  • Protecting products while in motion
  • Minimising required number of workers
  • Offering reliability with low maintenance
  • Providing configurable products to meet peaks
  • Reducing the number of employee injuries

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